Model Number: OZ-00MS
Height: 17.4 Meters
Weight: 8.8 Tons
Ms Pilot: Zechs Merquise
Fighting Ability: 100
Weapon Ability:110
Speed Ability: 150
Power Ability: 130
Amored Ability: 120
This twenty-year-old museum piece was the first
military mobile suit, and is the common ancestor of
both the Gundams and Oz's own mobile suits. Oz
deemed the prototype Talgeese too expensive to
mass-produce and too hard to pilot, so the design
was simplified and scaled down to create the
standard Leo. As a result, the Talgeese's
specifications are superior to those of most modern
mobile suits, and this mothballed prototype is the
only thing in Oz's arsenal capable of fighting a
Gundam. However, its high acceleration and
instability make flying the Talgeese hazardous for
even the best of pilots.